How to break out of a PTSD episode-PTSD cure spell +256-789-24-74-09

 Traumatic events can have a lasting impact on your mental health so PTSD Cure Spell. If you’ve experienced a violent assault or a serious accident, or if you’ve been involved in active combat, you may have an ongoing emotional response for days or even weeks. But if you’ve been haunted by trauma for months or years, you may have a condition called post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD use the PTSD Cure Spell

PTSD is distinguished from other forms of anxiety by episodes, which are delayed stress reactions to the trauma you experienced in your past. These episodes are frightening when they occur but, with proper treatment, they can be effectively controlled.

What Happens During a PTSD Episode

A PTSD episode is characterized by feelings of fear and panic, along with flashbacks and sudden, vivid memories of an intense, traumatic event in your past. These memories are often accompanied by sensory experiences; visions, sounds, and even smells from the incident may return, as if they are happening in the present moment.

Perceiving imminent danger, your brain will go into a state of alarm: your heart races, you sweat profusely, and your breath speeds up. The feeling is all-consuming, intense, and often debilitating.

How to break out of a PTSD episode

While you may feel helpless when you’re experiencing an episode, there are a few things you can do to help break out of it but most importantly use PTSD Cure Spell

Breathe deeply-PTSD Cure Spell

When anxiety strikes, we often take quick, shallow breaths, which can exacerbate the symptoms of an intense PTSD episode. Slow, deep breathing can lower your heart rate and reduce feelings of panic, restoring oxygen flow through your body.

Talk yourself down

If you’re having a flashback, tell yourself that the sensations you’re experiencing aren’t real, that they are merely memories of the past. Remind yourself that you’re currently safe and in control.

Get moving-How to cure PTSD

Running, jumping, or walking around can break you out of an episode by grounding you in the present moment and interrupting your body’s stress response. It can also help by releasing endorphins to improve your state of mind.

Connect with others

Reach out to supportive friends and family members who can listen to your concerns, remind you of what’s real, and assure you that you’re not alone.

Manage your PTSD through healthy living using PTSD Cure Spell

While PTSD episodes aren’t always preventable, there are ways to help you lessen their intensity and reduce their frequency. Forming healthy habits and educating yourself on your symptoms can go a long way toward improving your life. For example:

  • Avoid triggers: Triggers are reminders of trauma and can come in many forms, such as sensations, thoughts, or even upsetting news stories. If you can identify specific triggers for your PTSD episodes, try to avoid them. 
  • Engage in self-care: A healthy mind and body can better respond to and recover from traumatic stress reactions. Eat a balanced and healthy diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, avoid doing drugs and alcohol, and take adequate time to relax. 
  • Practice mindfulness: Building a regular meditation practice can train your brain to calm down and focus, thereby reducing the symptoms of PTSD episodes. A study published in Military Medicine suggests starting with 20-minute meditation sessions, twice a day. 
  • Seek professional help: Most of the time, PTSD will not go away on its own. But with the help of a licensed, professional therapist, you will be able to work through traumatic memories, identify triggers, and develop coping strategies to conquer PTSD for the long term.

Get treatment for PTSD-PTSD Cure Spell

PTSD effects your body and mind in ways we cannot alter on our own, so these two things are a must. That aside, I'll tell you some rituals and spells I have performed to help myself recover.

  1. Ritual baths. Nudity is something hugely uncomfortable to me. Aside from changing clothes and bathing there are no points in time where being naked does not raise some anxiety in me. That's why baths work so wonderfully. In the bath, you can sit and relax in your natural form. I do mine by candle light as opposed to harsh fluorescents.

  2. You can also add bath salts or essential oils to the water to give a peaceful fragrance. If seeing your self nude bothers you even in the tub you might add some bubble bath to cloak yourself until you grow more comfortable.

  3. Allow yourself to fall into comfort with your own body. Use a loofa or sponge to pour small amounts of water over yourself. Meditate on the Goddess. She sees you as beautiful. She sees you as powerful. She sees you as valuable. Do this a few times a week if time allows.

  4. A PTSD Cure Spell using candle magic. I stood three candles near each other. The two in front were smallish. One was light blue for spiritual peace and one was pink for self love. The third candle was a much larger brown candle representing my body.

  5. As all three burned, I pictured the energies from the two smaller candles flowing upward into the taller brown candle, binding them within my body. You can write your own chant, but as I lit each candle I said the following.

  6. Light Blue: "Let the fire of my spirit be cooled with peace." Pink: "Let the water of my heart be set ablaze with love." Brown: "Let these things be bound within my body, ever growing, everlasting." Then as they burned, I meditated on them, chanting "Water in fire, fire in water, bound within me everlasting."

  7. There are healing stones you may want to carry as well. Lepidolite is one of the best stones for people with PTSD because it is so powerful at balancing emotions. Iolite is also great if this event happened a long time ago as it can help break old conditioning and ways of thought.

I hope these things help. PTSD is an awful burden to bear, but there are ways to ease the pain and cure it . Stay strong. Blessed Be.
